Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!

So many audiophiles have commented that when your room treatment is completed, your electronics set up and tweaked and most importantly, your speakers are set up in your listening space correctly that you'll know it because everything just sounds so "right" and natural.  I just accomplished that feat in the last two weeks.  I say two weeks because I needed to play a wide variety of recordings to be sure that I'm there.  It is so great to have finally hit just the right set up.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that it has taken me well over a year of experimentation to get to this point.  It's not that other placements yielded poor quality sound its just that now everything sounds like a live event (as much as any of our systems can).

I would really appreciate hearing about your journey to the promised land of audiophile/music lover bliss.  How long did it take, what were the most difficult aspects of the journey?  And if you have yet to get there, what do  you think is the "brick in your wall"?

Showing 2 responses by audionoobie

I used the Rule of Thirds (29% Version) for speaker placement found on this site yesterday.


My room is 154" x 134." I am setup along the long wall.

Rule of Thirds (29% Version)

"This is my favorite placement recommendation, and at least in my room isolated the sound from the room very well, as close to listening outside as I've gotten. I recommend starting with this and then backing up the speakers to the main wall as needed for adding a little bass reinforcement back into the sound and making room for other furniture if needed. Just watch out for the mid bass getting muddy as you back up the speakers."

Space Between Speakers  64.68" (5.39')
Head to Main Wall  94.87" (7.9')
Speaker From Main Wall  38.86"
Speaker from Side Wall  44.66"

Previously my speakers were (measured from the center line of the speaker):

Speaker from Main wall  29"
Speaker from side wall  31"

I've never had my speakers placed this far into the room before and never had them this close. So far, I'm really liking the results. I'm getting a much flatter response (Vandy 2cs Sig II's). The soundstage is much more coherent and stable. The depth of the soundstage is  crazy! Guitars are coming out of the front plane of the speakers. While vocals and drums sound like they are coming from 3 feet behind the speaks.

I know that good sound is very subjective. Are there any thoughts on any of the above?

I should mention that I'm using a Belles Aria int. amp. Source is a Node 2. Speaker cables are AQ Go-4. Gik bass panels behind speaks and diffusers at 1st reflection points.
