Speaker Placement

I have never understood why some people advocate listening from about a 60 degree angle relative to the L & R spkrs. True stereo dynamics can only be realised by positioning at about 160 degrees or even 170. 180 might be a little much as our ears are tilted inward slightly.

Showing 3 responses by abucktwoeighty

We don't all hear the same. Some can not hear very well at all. Others can't hear the upper registers or lowers. Some hear more in one ear than the other. Some only hear with one ear. If you mean we all can detect sounds, yes, most everyone can do that, but we don't hear the same.

That's like trying to say we all see alike. A friend of mine lost an eye in an accident which had me covering one of mine to see just what it's like to see the world with one eye. Try driving like that. It takes some getting used to, but it's not the same.
All of our ears are not designed alike. That's like saying all speakers are designed alike.
I'll state again that our ears are not designed alike. My ears do not protrude from my head as far as some others, like Alfred E. Neuman, and others, which makes me hear a little less. As far as "practical purposes", yeah, I guess we all use them to listen with. We just don't hear the same. When I hear yellow, you may be hearing amber.