Speaker Opinions

Any individuals fortunate enough to have attended the recent RMAF could you please share your opinions on the sonics of these speakers please.The Gershman Sonogram's with the Clayton amps in room #590,and the Selah Galena's in room #594.Currently using Vandersteen 3a's with great sucess.Wondering how these two compare.Thanks in advance for your replies.

Showing 2 responses by steidlguitars

I did not hear the Gershmans, but I loved the 3-way Selahs. I thought they were nicely detailed and very well balanced across the tonal spectrum. I'd say that they lean a bit to the warmer side of neutral, a sound that I prefer, even when driven with a SS amp. Probably one of my favorites at the show at least of those priced within the range of mere mortals like me.

For what it's worth, I tend to find the popular Seas midrange driver remarkably detailed, but slightly edgy... part of why I may have liked the Galenas was because they use a Scan-Speak driver. Not the most efficient speaker going, but a gentle impedance curve so they might even work well with tube amps.

I liked the Galenas from top to bottom, especially at their price point, so yes I thought the highs were quite nice; detailed but not abrasive.

In general, I'd classify myself as someone who is pretty sensitive to a top end that is tilted up; in fact, I hate it. I did not find the Galenas that way at all which is part of why I liked them.

Ribbon tweeters are interesting to me because of their "air" say compared to a silk dome (which I prefer to a metal dome in almost all cases).

Ribbons tend not to sound tilted up to me, just different in their presentation than domes.
