Speaker magnets

Three questions:
1) The coil in a speaker when fed with current from the amplifier will produce its own magnetic field, presumably 4 layer coils more so. Over time does this ever have any effect on the characteristics of the speaker magnet?
2) Modern speakers have massive magnets compared with most vintage speakers. What advantage do they give a modern speaker over a vintage speaker?
3) Does the magnet in a speaker deteriorate to any noticeable amount just due to age?

Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

OP if you have any information on the drivers, that would help YOU build the correct size enclosure.

Second if you don’t have or can’t find the specs on your drivers, there are tools to help figure out certain thing about drivers. Parts Express has some great software and package deals to fix you right up..

Yes magnets wear out. In your lifetime probably not..
Some flake apart, they can loose their mojo, BUT there are some tricks..
There are ways to revitalize the magnets and even change them if you know what your doing.

Sound crazy, but I’m careful around very strong magnets or just a bunch warehoused in tight quarters. Weird vibes so to speak.. LOL

Field coils have been around a long time.  They add a lot of weight to motors and generators/alternators.  A 150lb starter of old is 40 lbs at most now. Fixed neo magnet starter motor, the solenoid is almost as big around as the motor.

They say FC speakers are some of the best ever made.  They have to be expensive to make too. Interesting critters!!
