Speaker Imaging - Do you hear a line, or do you hear an arc??

Hi Everyone,

I am not trolling, I genuinely am interested in your experiences.

When listening to a system you feel images well, how do you perceive the sound stage? Do you perceive it as a rectangular space on which the speakers sit, or does it sound like an arc, going further back towards the middle?

Please give examples with music and speakers if you have the time.


Showing 2 responses by rodman99999

"I think it would be difficult to know how your system is staging without extremely intimate knowledge of the recording." READ the second post in this thread. The tests listed remove all variables, associated with the source(ie: microphone techniques, venues, etc) and provide references, which obviate the need for listener familiarity with the recording.   Again: all that’s only for those interested in finding out, if their systems(and/or ears/brains) are up to the task, given a recording that contains the info.
Of course, as is the case with every aspect of stereo reproduction/quality, everything depends on the recording(GIGO). Then too; there’s a wide variety of microphone techniques, not to mention live, studio, and other variables. The following provide tests, with which one may determine whether their system actually images, or reproduces a soundstage, as recorded/intended. ie: On the Chesky sampler/test CD; David explains in detail, his position on the stage and distance from the mics, as he strikes a tambourine(Depth Test). The LEDR test tells what to expect, if your system performs well, before each segment. The Chesky CD contains a number of tests, in addition to the LEDR. Digital download verson: (https://cheskyrecords.bandcamp.com/album/chesky-records-jazz-sampler-audiophile-test-vol-1 ) The CD version, of the Chesky Jazz Sampler, Vol 1: (https://www.amazon.com/Chesky-Records-Sampler-Audiophile-Compact/dp/B000003GF3) An online resource: (https://www.audiocheck.net/audiotests_ledr.php ) BTW; The shape of your ears’ pinnae is also a variable, regarding your ability to perceive images/locate sounds. An old article, from Stereophile, regarding the LEDR test: (https://www.stereophile.com/features/772/index.html ) That article also mentions some other possible impediments, to a system’s imaging abilities. Of course; all that’s only for those interested in finding out, if their systems(and/or ears/brains) are up to the task, given a recording that contains the info. These articles may interest some: (https://www.stereophile.com/asweseeit/1286awsi/index.html) & (https://www.stereophile.com/asweseeit/390awsi/index.html) btw: With my setup, I hear no line or arc. Just whatever’s on the recording. On the good ones; I’m there.