Speaker hiss from sub

My REL subs are causing my speakers to have a hiss, which I can hear when the system is off, but the subs idling. It goes away if I run an extension cord into my power conditioner (PS Audio PowerPlant). The subs are connected directly to my amps. Any ideas on solutions without buying multiple conditioners? I tried a simple plug in Isotek wall wart that is supposed to remove noise—no dice. Also tried a better power cord no improvement. Tried moving the sub interconnect around no change. Only way this his goes away is with the power conditioner.


Any ideas on a solution?


Showing 1 response by missioncoonery

Not sure if this applies to you but I've had problems with my Rel subs..Rel replace one  of them about 6 months in and now the replacement is doing the same thing..I called a Rel dealer and was told they were having lots of complaints and several returns.. Rel is having build issues from whst I'm told...