Speaker help please for $2000 US

I am in rural Alaska and 450 miles from a shop. I will not be able to listen to my next purchase. I know that is stupid. I have a Parasound 1500A 2ch amp. I have an older Paradigm sub, the PS-10. A large listening room with a vaulted ceiling. I listen to acoustic folk. I am new to the hifi stuff. Please give me some names and models of speakers that I should be looking at on the net please. I like active quick sound. Big base is big not a big need as I am not into the home theater stuff. Any insight you could give me would be appreciated. I have only listened to the Paradigm Studio 100's v2. Thanks
Hi Olga, consider Thiels, maybe 1.5's, or 2 2's since you don't need a lot of bass even though both these speakers have a very satisfying low end. The ultimate would be 3.6's, IMHO, the best speaker under 10K. I have found Thiels to have the most open, natural sound for a dynamic speaker, especially acoustic guitar. However, these speakers will rock also. Your price range is a fit for used, the 3.6's are an 8 year old design so you can find them for sale around 2K. Good luck.
Olga, I have to suggest the Martin Logan SL-3's. They are the direct competitor with the Magneplanars mentioned above. I bought them because I got a good deal on them locally, otherwise I would have had to drive to Chicago to audition the maggies. Either way acoustic music (my favorites are Clapton:Unplugged and James Taylor's Greatest Hits) sound incredible. I don't think you can go wrong with either speaker. Good Luck.
I want to thank all of you for your help and insight. I have spent many hours on the net looking at you suggestions. Thanks for not making me feel like an oaf. The sun returns to us here in 6 days. It will be a welcome sight. I should have my mind made up by then. This is a great resource for someone like me. Thanks to all...well almost all. Minus40, I appreciate your sense of humor but I would have appreciated your genuine input even more. Peace,
Olga - You definitely need some great speakers to get you through those long dark winters!
Olga, look for a pair of Vanderstein 2CIs or 2CEs with SoundAnchor Stands. Martin-Login Areius loudspeakers are also a great bargain and match well with just about any electronics.