Speaker for McIntosh setup

I am looking for suggestions on a good set of speakers to match up to a vintage McIntosh system. I currently have a McIntosh C29 and two MC2205 amps to power these speakers. All these units have been recapped and meet original specs. I am looking to spend in the $5k range.

I need some suggestions on speakers to match with this system. I live in a remote area to access true audio shops so I thought I would create a short list and make a road trip to hear them in person.

Note: The system is in a large great room.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by nosualc

Vintage speakers to go with your vintage gear or new?

If vintage, the aforementioned JBLs (L100s, L112s, L166s, L300s) would be good matches, and you can probably find some nice examples relatively easily and stay within your budget).

If new, you’ve lots of choices. Depends on your taste. If I had a big room to fill, I’d seriously listen to the new Cornwall IVs. A bit over your budget, but the reviews are pretty good.