Speaker Footer Advise Please

I am getting near the end of the road in terms of tuning my system. I feel that one of the last truly big steps I can make will come when I carefully decouple my speakers from my slap concrete floor. What I am looking for is practical experience and advice from people who have performed just this. As a side what were your experiences along the way and what did you settle on and why. My speakers are Wilson Watt Puppies 5.1 and T+A amp and preamp so my system is dynamic to say the least. I'm looking for that last bit of separation of sound field from my speakers and would like to see if I can tighten up my low frequencies from what is now the tightest bass I have ever heard.

Many thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by leica_man

Fist off thanks for all the great advice and encouragement to go out and try different footers for my speakers. In the end I decided on a few different brands but fell in love with only one- Acoustic Systems. Combined with some other changes I have recently made in my system I am now getting a totally holographic three-dimensional sound that's unbelievable. When I added the Acoustic Systems footers to my speakers the sound I thought could not sound more decoupled from my loud speakers became even more so. Low frequencies become both more dynamic and went deeper and sounded tighter. Also the mid range became more transparent and vocals sounded less chesty. Lastly the highs sounded far more transparent and smoother with fine inner detail that before was lacking (but I never knew it : )

The bottom line? No matter how well set up you may think your system is, or even if like me your speakers are set on a concrete foundation, you can still make significant gains by experimenting with your system- cables, acoustics, cones and speaker feet- you name it. Oh speaking of speaker feet Acoustic Sounds manufacturers these room "resonators" that I simply must try next : )
Ooops- my mistake the name is Avatar Accoustics. Here's the link- great stuff.
