Speaker finish?

Here's a spouse epihany: In my living room, for the past 6 years, reside a pair (for the visual; interchange the speaker and color of your choice) of Zu Audio Definitions. The sell job on my wife to purchase these babies was as tough as it gets, but I have sold her the Brooklyn Bridge many times before. To her, as well as others. Anyway now it was time for a change of speakers, but lo and be hold they are the latest and greatest Definitions, so the footprint is the same, but just an inch or so higher. Another tough sell, being that they not only will cost some serious $$, they are still "ridiculous towers" in our living space. Well, I close the deal and order the speakers and (another) lo and behold, last night as we're going to bed, by wife says to me (I'll paraphrase, but this is as close to a direct quote as I can remember) "I'm actually excited about your new towers. The color is going to look great in our living room. Very beachy, and will look fabulous with our living theme. No I don't give a f__* what they sound like or why they do what they do to your music, so don't get too excited. They are going to be nice looking towers" What's an audiophool to say? I love her madly and am waiting on my music "towers." BTW, she does not accept this rap: "let me show you what speaker towers can look like." Proud of myself for taking the high [tacit]road, since it would only generate "there are sicker puppies out there, and that does not make it right." Any identification with this?...lol...
BTW the speaker color she chose was not a (NO charge) custom color, even though she would, at this stage of my audiophool career, pay anything for a "tower" that would compliment a living thematic. Go figure.

Showing 1 response by malcolm02

It's very unpredictable. I had B&W 805s that are modest stand mounted speakers, and I upgraded to Von Schweikert VR-33's that look like - well, have you seen 2001 A Space Odyssey - that monolith? - that's what they look like. And guess what? My girlfriend prefers the look of the VR33. I let her choose the color.

So if you have one speaker that looks like a diamond ring and another that looks like Darth Vader - which one does she prefer the look of? Don't assume anything - ask her.