Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????

Showing 7 responses by pcc

You go alot of extra stuff, you need to hook Jayboard up. And if your giving out x-mas presents early, you can throw me anything you don't want. Prefer amp and x-over for the 2 subs I want to add for music.

PS: Looks like you've look out the window quite a few times
waiting for the UPS........
I think its just a hobby thing. Can't say man thing, cause their are many women we don't know about, in this hobby too. We are in sane. I think were so drawn into this hobby that were always thinking there's better out there. I'm happy with my equip., just a couple more things and I'll be done. I believe you need to find a speaker you can be happy with and do alot of home auditions with different amps/pre's till you find the right combo, its out there; just takes alot of leg work to find it. Once you do, hopefully you'll be happy. My theory is keep those speakers or buy some you can live with, and improve on the pre/amp/cables. Then stop and try to enjoy what YOU created. I've listened to many recommendations, but they are just that, you need to find it for yourself. And alittle help from above(Audiogon nuts). Enjoy
I agree with the boxes, I wish I could throw them away.... They do take up so much space and guess what? There's nothing in them. My wife said to dump the boxes, I already to the epuip out. Okay I want in on the group rate.
Eventually I will stop or my wife will make me sleep in my empty boxes. But who cares, I have enough boxes to make a pretty comfortable apartment in the basement. Sign me up for the group rate tim.
Avguygeorge, I'm glad to see you spent all your time reading and analyzing all our post. You have taken quite an interest in our interest. I sure your time and devotion to all of us is greatly appreciated. Does this mean you are a shrink and are willing to give us the group rate or are you just bored with yourself. Pete
Wow avguygeorge your right after those dolls of Tireguy. I think you have a doll fetish. Okay avguy, I'll send you some boxes. Will find someone with money to send you $$$, cause I don't have any. Everybody send your used equip to Jayboard. Tireguy would you stop holding out, avguy wants that damn doll of yours, so ship it to him will ya. Avguy enjoy the doll and I expect to see a thread on your new adventures with the doll. Also avguy have a good day and please come back and visit, sometimes we need alittle excitement on this site and you have provide us with that. See ya Pete
Well avguy you are a true gentlemen. So if you won't kiss and tell. What are you buying next. On a serious note, if we can find one. It seems you are pleased with your current system. What is it? And don't tell me Bose. With a name like avguygeorge, you must have some good empty boxes laying around. So let the cat out of the bag, what ya got.
I myself am a Martin Logan guy, thou I shouldn't be cause there customer service sucks. But I love the sound, what's a guy to do.

To back thread a bit. The reason I let my better half feel like she has some say in what I purchase for my ever growing system is cause this shit is expensive and at least she knows why she doesn't have a new suv in the driveway, because it's sitting in the living room. I kinda figured I'm not the only one that has that problem. So I thought I'd help my fellow audio nuts. I figure I get her into it and she feels its partial hers. So of to the store for a new component, hell its only money and I can't take it with me. Pete

PS: Glad to see you and the tireguy are coming to some kind of agreement with this damn doll shit. Get over it, I'll send the boxes(cause I have many) and I'll even pay postage.