Speaker dilema? Maggies, Newforms, or Merlins

I have had Rogers LS3/5a's for 25 years with complimenting Rogers sub-woofer. I have a Lazarus hybrid amp, CJ preamp, Nakamichi CD Player 1, Van den Hul The First interconnects, and Audioquest cables.
I am looking to change speakers. I have always been mesmerized by the openess, air, detail and soundstage of planars and ribbons. However, I have loved my Rogers for years. I would appreciate feed back on the above mentioned speakers.



Showing 1 response by kurtisjeffers

I have to concur with Vince. I have compared the Merlins, which I currently own, to the Magnepans. The Magnepans have a beautiful airy, wide and transparent soundstage, as can be expected from a dipole speaker. The Merlins, however, surprisingly have the same amount of airiness and soundstage width, but with more accurate timbres and MUCH more pinpoint soundstaging. When listening to the Magnepan 1.6s, I was mightily impressed. I felt as if there was a guitar really playing on the left side of the stage. When I listen to the Merlins, the guitar became a guitar became a solid, guitar-playing man sitting on the left side of my listening room. Also, as Vince mentioned, Bobby is one of the most approachable manufacturer/designers in the business. I have talked to him on numerous occasions, and he is a fine person. Just search Audio Asylum for Merlin VSM posts, and see how often he contributes to conversations.

Happy Listening!