Listen to Monitor Audio GX200. The biggest difference with most competitors is the speed and wider and deeper stage. Monitor Audio is exeptional good in making fine crossovers. this make the stage bigger so you get a better separation of all the parts of a recording. Thgey also have a faster response. And there ribbon tweeter hadles high with more openness and authority than standard tweeters. Just take a listen! |
Noooooooooooooooo Class D. The primare class D are for class D vey good. But if you want to go for stunning you need to look for better. Used XA30.5 is stunning with the GX200. The GX200 have on of the best crossovers in their price range. So use them!! Or go for a used older Primare class a/b combi. You need an amp which can give a wide and deep stage. Only then you get the max out of them. In my country most ( stuppid) shops ( I guess over 95% are) sell 2 dimensional amps wiht these speakers. Most people in audio overhere have the knowledge and insight of a rock! |
Monitor Audio uses very good crossovers. But....most audio shops use 2 dimensional amps. They will sound like many other.
When you use an amp what can give a deep and wide stage it changes. That is why I only sell amps which can give a wide and deep stage.
Pass Labs is one of the best brands in highend poweramps. Because they can give a wide and deep stage. But also the class will let you hear all the differences in timbre.
Just read the reviews. Audio is all about how you use it.
From 2007-2009 I sold a lot of Primare with Monitor Audio in a shop I did run at that time. I could send my clients to any other shop to listen to: B&W, Dynaudio, KEF, Focal, Dali etc.
Because for that money all other shops sold 2 dimensional sound.
It was so much fun, people came and said often: But we do'n't want 2 dimensional sound. It is very easy to teach people the difference between 2 and 3 dimensional sound.
After that the overall sound does it's work! |
To get a musical sound and a 3 dimensional stage: Pathos. |
Class D amps are not sterile, that is a thing for sure. The first ones could be quite harsh. These days it is a different world.
But when I compare the best Class D amps with the best Class A amps. They still have more flavors in the mid freq. Compare them with classical music with 4-12 instruments.
Enjoy the comparing. It can be a lot of fun. I hope you like it as well.
Goodluck! |
Bel Canto is a brand who also can build a deep stage. This is not a bad option.
When you use a good amp the GX200 can give you a level almost no other speaker can give to you.
I had a discussion with MA Holland about the amps they and other shops use. I did take a look what amps other shops use who sell Monitor Audio. Most of them ( more than 95%) use 2 dimensional amps.
They don't know what they are doing. MA will come to me in a few weeks. I will take them to a few different clients of mine. I want to show them that I have created with all different Monitor Audio spakers a stunning physical 3 dimensional image everywhere.
They demo it also with 2 dimensional amps. What can I say! |
The MA GX200 need 400 hours to brake in the ribbon tweeter. It will become more open and less harsh. |
Dali is a 2 dimensional brand. For 3000-3500 you can buy 3 dimensional speakers. You would be a fool to spend this kind of money on 2 dimensional standard audio speakers.
I send my clients to shops who sell these speakers. To make clear how big the difference is between 2 and 3 dimensional sound. Audio can be that simple and convincing.
I sold Dali for over 8 years of time, so I know exactly the properties and what they can. |
There are more amps which can give a 3D stage with the PL-200. It depends hom much money you want to spend?
There is no information yet. They will have the same kind of new unit technique as the new silver series.
Monitor Audio Always uses better materials than others in the same price league.
Monitor Audio is founded in 1972, the year I was born :) |
Which amps did they use and which cables?
I had many discussion's with Monitor Audio about this. They asked me to see what amps shops use for Monitor Audio speakers.
Often they are 2 dimensional. They way I sell Monitor Audio is what makes it superior to other brands.
First you need to know the properties and then you need to use them to the max. Knowledge and insight in above 95% of the shops is too low. They make a lot of mistakes.
Then other speakers can sound better. Often these speakers are 2 dimensional. When you use the right amps you will crush most speakers. That is why I only use 3 brands. Because they give the best results for their price and all give a 3 dimensional stage.
When you use a 3 dimensional amp and an amp which has the perfect balance in sound for Monitor Audio. It is easy. In 16 years of time, I never had a brand which gives me this advantage over other speakers so obvious.
Last year when I was the absolute sound, Monitor Audio from my country invited the people of Monitor Audio England. They said: we never heard a demo with our speakers this good. They also do not use the right amps and cables for their speakers at shows.
Because I use them to the max. This is based on properties. When you don't know and understand these properties. It is not possible to get the best out of the speakers. It is that simple....for me! |
The Platinum speakers have one of the best 3 dimensional physical stages in their price range.
But most shops ( are F....idiots) and use 2 dimensional amps. This makes clear how low the knowledge and insight is.
I crush every speaker in their price range because I can build the widest and deepest stage with these speakers. Within this stage I can even create the sharpest intimate indivividual focus.
When I demo this, I can send people to all shops. Because they never can reach the same speed, timing, resolution, blacks, wide and deep stage and physical intimate image.
I sell a sound; this is a 3 dimensional extreme wide and deep stage. And within this stage a physical intimate stage. I use properties to create this.
This is a totally different way than others do. Other people do not have this level of insight to use tools just for their properties.
That is why it is so easy to win from other shops. Because the most convincing and involving sound Always will win. It is that simple! |
Zd542; I understand his remarks. Don't forget many demos are often very average or poor with many different brands.
Because many people who work in this busienss do not know a lot about properties. This happens all the time.
At shows the same kind of errors are made constantly. |
It has nothing to do with 2 or 3 way. It is the stage that is being build behind the speaker. And even beside and in front of the speaker. Ribbon tweeters can give a bigger stage because they can project the stage further infront of the speakers.
So you get an extreme holographic stage. The head editor of the biggest Audio magazine in our country loved the 3 dimensional image I had on a big show last year. He said; you were the absolute sound by far. Many distributers had the same opinion.
During the day for shopkeepers many people who had a shop came to me and asked how I can create such a big stage. Many never heard music so physical touchable in there whole life. I used a professional measurment. It doesn't matter anymore that the room was so average in acoustics. The endresults are Always exeptional good.
This I do since 2007. I only sell and create 3 dimensional sound. In 2010 I started to use acoustic measurments.
Instruments become fully loose and apparent in front of you. This is so Obvious and precise that many audio lovers during the show came to me and said: this is of a whole new level in sound I never experienced.
Many did not understand that the subwoofer fully dissapeared. People got on the knees and put their ears on the centre. They thought I used the centre during stereo. Even people put their ears to the during the show.
People don't know this level of integration. And most of them never heard a 3 dimensional stage this physical.
I also could let people hear a much higher level of micro information. I did let people hear the breathing during singing. Word endings on sss, ttt and th. And moving lips during singing.
I said to them: ask for these numers on any set of the show. You easilly will hear there is less information on any other set on the show.
Every single part in sound I can raise to a higher level. Hearing is believing. What you hear is the thing that counts.
I want to make audio more easy to understand for every single person.
In a few weeks I will take Monitor Audio in my country to many different clients who all have a stunning and extreme 3 dimensional stage.
I want them to convince that I create a suprior level in endresult with every single Monitor Audio speaker compared to any other shop. They know for years that I can create a much higher level than any person can achieve. |
There are more 3 dimensional brands. It is a fact that people prefer 3 dimensional far over 2 dimensional sound.
The intensity in listening to music is much bigger. It pulls you into the music. When you do this for 7 years like I do, you know how succesful it is compared to any 2 dimensional sound.
People enjoy music a lot more when they listen to their beloved music with a 3 dimensional stage.
It is not only the 3 dimensional stage what makes it more involving. The small and intimate stage within the wide and deep stage is another part of the succes.
3th part is creating a musical involving sound. |
Focal use exeptional good crossovers in the 1000 and Utopia series. They can build a wide and deep stage.
Some people don't like the sound of Focal speakers.
But when you use a musical and warm sounding amp you can get a very good balance with the speakers.
The low freq. can give some difficulties in the setup. But they are more easy to setup than Wilson Audio.
At shows often the demos are not that good with Focal loudspeakers. This has nothing to do with the qualities they own.
When you use the right stuff, they can give a stunning 3 dimensional stage.
There are more 3 dimensional brands, at the end there are a lot more who are 2 dimensional.
I do not say that people cannot enjoy a 2 dimensional image. 3 dimensional stage is more entertaining and a lot more addictive.
Many clients said; that they enjoy their music again since they have a 3 dimensional stage. It pulls you into the music. |
I said it quite often; In the US there are many brands which are not that common in Europe.
I keep on promoting 3D sound. When others do the same, I am a happy man.
I said it many times; it is not about me. It is about the best sound. I want more people to be happy with their system.
I know that 3D sounds give a much higher level of enjoying your beloved music.
Maybe I can be hard, but.....every single person deserves the best sound. |
I owned the B&W 802N and 800S for over 8 years of time. I loved the focus of instruments and voices a lot. And the sound with classical music. But I Always was aware of the limitation of their crossovers. It gave me the feeling that the music was not fluid. Like the freq. were played separated. I missed depth when I listend to other speakers who did this better. I am a perfectionist and I compare all the time. The best is the only thing that matters.
I started selling the Platinum speakers when they came out in 2007. I owned the Pl-300 for 5 years of time. I liked them a lot. But there was one thing I didn't like about them; I could not listen to classical music with them. In 5 years I did not play classical music. The B&W 800S did this a so much better. But in 3d stage, resolution, speed and decay it beat the 800S. The 800S got down to 25hz. I missed the lower freq. as well. But I did not want to go back to a less wide and deep stage. I thought about buying the B&W 800D. After hearing them I thought; No....I want a bigger stage. Because this is a higher level of listening to music.
The Pl-200 is a stunning speaker. It is a lot more natural in the mid freq. compared to the Pl-300. I started listening to classical music again. The stage is bigger and wider than the Pl-300. I had discussion's about this with Monitor Audio England. They agreed that the Pl-200 is a better speaker. So I asked: why you don't change the crossovers of the PL-300? They will not change it anymore. It is about costs. What can I say?
The Pl-200 is extreme fast and dry. In this price range I can create a huge wide and deep stage. But within the stage instruments and voices are sharper focussed than competitors. The ribbon tweeter makes the stage bigger in front of the speaker. It plays music fully loose and physical in front of you. The integration of the 3 way system is exeptional good. The response is stunning as well. For a small speaker it can play at extreme volumes. ( spl= 118db)
In 2009 I had the Wilson Audio Sasha for about 6-8 weeks to listen at. The Pl-300 had a wider and deeper stage with the same amps. I love to test speakers. I Always want to know how wide and deep they can build a stage. The second question is: how intimate and sharp are instruments and voices focussed within the stage.
I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. In my opinion the weakest point of Avalon is the sharpness of the focus of instruments and voices within the stage. When you compare this part with the Platinum speakers you understand directly how much better the Platinums can focus.
I have created a live stage experience with the Pl-200. The PLW-15 with Audyssey Pro give me the stealth integration I Always dreamed of in the past. Now I have superior low freq. even compared to my old B&W 800S.
Audio is like a formula one car, looking for the best setup. Don't forget I spend a lot of time on testing and comparing. People who do this for a hobby do not have this much time and possibilities I have.
My clienst know that they never can beat me in endresults. I can see 3-4 steps further than other people in this business . I can proof this with sound. This is how I work. Just listen and you will understand.
In 2015 there will be the new Platinum series. I am looking forward to these. Every new serie they bring out Always is a big step further than the old one. |
I would go for the new .8 series of Pass Labs. No question about it!
The drivers can make a bigger movement. The conus is been hang up from the middle. This gives them a bigger response.
It was the first speaker I heard which did not have what we call; a hummm in the low freq. When they are brand new.
I never heard this timing in low freq. in this price range.
Audio is about comparing. If people are happy with 2D sound, it is fine with me.
Not every person like my direct approach. I am not here to be liked by every person. And that is fine with me. |
Thanks Mjmch,
I am addicted to music and sound since I was 6. I have done so much more research and tests than any other in this branche.
For me things are a lot easier to understand. It is sometimes irritating that others are so f....blind (deaf) and that they really don't know what they do.
I see a lot further in sound and music than others do. In life all people are equal. But in the world of audio in my opinion there are many F...mongols!
They give many people a low level of endresult. So F...the mongols! |
I have seen many women enjoy music for the first time in their life. Because I Always try to involve women during listening.
Women have a better developed hearing than men. But....the interest in audio and music is bigger with men.
I have a female client who is 69 years old. She is listening to music on the couch. Because this is in the middel of the set. She said: when I sit here I can hear people stand in front of me like they are here in real. She has her own chair. Before they bought the set she never sit on the couch she said. |
Many people in audio(mongols) do not know the properties of all the different stuff they sell.
So they are not able to use the right amps to make the best combination with a speaker.
The most common mistake with Monitor Audio in my country. I did a research for the distributer. Is that most of them sell and demo Monitor Audio with 2 dimensional amps. |
In the world of Audio there are enough brands who are able to give you a 3D sound. They create a higher endresult in sound than 2 dimensional sound.
It doesn't mean that people cannot enjoy 2 dimensional sound. The intensity is different. Nothing more, nothing less. |
No need, but in audio I guess many people need some more knowledge to get a better result. That's a fact! |
Many Lucky clients makes you happy, it is that easy :)
So I hope for the mongols that they will learn to think...... |
It is very easy to compare. The new Gold speakers of Monitor Audio use new drivers. Material is lighter and they are these days more connected from the centre. This gives them a faster response. So a beter timing.
They changed the crossovers of the ribbontweeter as well. It has now more authority and the harshness is gone.
When you compare Dynaudio against Dynaudio, the differences are huge. The Monitor Audio is faster, more open en the stage is wider and deeper.
Wen you sell Monitor Audio loudspeakers with an amp what can create a wider and deep stage the distance between the Dynaudio and Monitor Audio becomes bigger.
When you hear music by a wider and deeper stage you will directly hear that music becomes so much more appealing.
My advice: just compare them yourself. The biggest limitation is that most shops in the Netherlands use 2 dimensional amps with Monitor Audio.
Monitor Audio Holland asked me in 2014 what kind of amps the shops use who sell their products. Over 90% is only 2 dimensional.
We test all amps on all parts you judge it for. Stage depth and width is an important part as well. |
It depends how you use it. These days I only sell 3 dimensional sound. This is both stereo and multi channel. I had many 3 dimensional highend sets. But I wanted to create te same kind of sound for all my clients.
Monitor Audio is the only brand in the world ( in their price ranges) who creates crossovers who can create a deep and wide stage. I can create a stunning stage with all their speakers.
When you use Monitor Audio this way, you can outperform all other brands. Audio is all about shootout and comparing. The exitment and emotion what you get by a 3 dimensional sound in both stereo and multi channel exceeds any 2 dimensional sound. I can send all my clients to any other shop. They always choose for my 3 dimensional sound. |
In the mid price range Onkyo is the only brand what can create a deep and wide stage.
A little higher: Primare and Pathos.
In higher price ranges there are a lot more: Pass, Krell and Dan D'Agostino etc.
* When you use Pass labs poweramps and a source like the Lumin S1 ( we are Lumin dealer as well) you can create with the Platinum series a much bigger holographic stage compared to many speakers like: Kef en B&W.
Beside these I compared the stage of the Platinum with the Wilson Audio Sasha2. This was also with Pass labs. The stage of the Platinum was wider and deeper. But within the stage instruments and voices are much more palpable and 3 dimensional.
The outcomming Platinum will be superior to the older ones. The ribbontweeter is bigger and wider. This will create a stunning holographic stage. Roksan uses the same ribontweeter in a speaker. We never auditioned such a wide and deep stage with a 2D amp. Very promissing.
It is much more open than Diamond/beryllium tweeter and even less harsh.
The new subwoofer will be unique as well. It will have 2 times 15 inch bass units with both their own amp. But they will use ceramic with alluminium drivers with the same way the Gold series connected their drivers. This is more from the centre of the unit. It will have the fastest response in the market. The timing will be a lot faster than the slow Velodyne subwoofers. They will even go lower than the 18 inch Velodyne.
Beside this the Pl-500 will be the Flagship of 20.000 euro. This will be a competitor of the B&W 802D3. I will buy them myslef as well and I can promiss you one thing: I will invite B&W for a shootout. Prepare yourself B&W!! |