Speaker choice, help please.

I am thinking of getting a new pair of speakers. My current set is Sonus Faber Signum on its wood stands.
- Distance from speakers: 9 ft
- Distance between speakers: 8 ft
- Room dimention: 22' x 12' x 9'
- There are equipment rack and TV set between speakers
- Distance from front wall to speaker: 1' or less
- Front wall (facing me): usual apartment wall, no treatment is possible.
- Monitor on stand preferred (but can be flexible as long as it is not too big).
- Have subwoofer (REL Strata II, not III): need to change as well?

Now, given conditions above, I am looking for something with very wide and deep sound stage, and easy-to-disappear kinds + of course great sound. My kind of music is classic - violin, piano, orchestra - relatively warm side, and accurate from top to bottom is required if at all possible. Yes, I like Sonus Faber sound, but would like to have broader recommendation. Budget is not much of concern for now. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by array1138

Just to get things going I will state my opinion.
I am enamored with single driver, crossoverless speakers, and will be from now on. I am presently the owner of a wonderful pair of Ocellia Tilias, which use an 8 inch driver from Phy-Hp and a custom designed Piezo cone for frequencies above 11KHz, and they won a "golden Ear" arward from The Absolute Sound magazine, and a pair of Diatone based full range speakers from EIFL in Japan with bass relex cabinets from Wood B. Lansing. If you are in search of musicality, single driver crossoverless speakers speak the truth, even with their bandwidth limitations. I drive my main system with a custom made 300B from 3D Audio, and a custom made passive preamp.
I have heard Sonus Faber speakers in systems before, and have found them great to listen to for awhile but not for me as far as living with them. I listen to MUSIC, not Sound.
Best of luck in your search for the Truth in Music.