Speaker Choice for a larger room

Hey all.

I'm going through change in my system again. Whilst I'm in the selling mode presently, and won't be buying for a little while, I would like to start to plan out future purchases.
The main area of concern is finding a speaker that will couple effectively with my room.
The dimensions are 28' X 45' and the cathedral ceiling goes up to 28'
I'm using Maggie 3.6's presently, but plan on changing things around.
My musical tastes are Jazz, classic rock, some blues, some classical most anything that isn't country or rap.
What I want from my system is:
Scale - large open soundstage, good width and depth
Imaging - precise placement of images but with emphasis on 3 dimensional realism
Palpability - the sense of presence and quality of the midrange.
Bass extension isn't of absolute importance, as long as I get a good sense of authority and impact in the lower registers.
I prefer a warmer sound with more bloom and midrange presence over a brighter more analytical sound.

On my list are:
Aerial 20T's
Sonus Faber Cremona
Avantgarde Duo's
Wilson Sophia's
Kharma 1.0's
Soundlab A1's

From the above, I've only heard Kharma's so I may be off target with my wish list of sonic attributes, though I have owned Sonus Fabers, a smaller model, and they seemed to do much of what I like best.
I'm flexible on amplification at this point, but would lean toward tubes, something around 200 watts, perhaps the Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes.
Source is and will remain digital.

What can you suggest that would take full advantage of the larger listening space, and would also be effective in a smaller space (I may move house in 6 months or so).

Would appreciate any insights. Budget wise, the 20T's are as high as I would go (used $12000 ish)



Showing 2 responses by peepoy2

Hello Rooze,

Just to add into the fray, I would strongly recommed that you consider the Legacy Whispers. It is an open air design with enough horsepower to fill your large room with foot-tapping music! I had a pair powered by ASL Hurricane amps and they were just the perfect combination. Best of luck with your search! Best regards!
Hey Rooze,

Well, I thought I will stick with my Legacy Whispers for life. I have always been curious about the Avantgardes and when a local dealer had a preowed Duos for sale, I rushed to audition it. After the first few notes on Chuck Mangione's Feels So Good cut, I knew right away that I had to sell my Whispers. I sold the pair immediately and then a very nice pair of preowed Trios became available here and, after a prolonged negotiation with my wife (to divert some of the money due for my kid's college funds into these monstrous speakers), I was able to pick the pair up in New York and I know I am set for life with these fantastic loudspeakers. The Duos will make you feel a sense of connection with the music. Forget being over analytical and just really enjoy the music being played. You will be immersed with sheer musical pleasure with the performers having the "Breath of Life" right there in your presence!
Also, I just marvel at the fact that a mere 1 watt can power the Duos to room-filling levels. I am used to owning monstrous high-current, high-wattage amps and it took a while for me to accept that a few miniscule watts can produce such a magical experience that envelopes your whole body and caresses your soul. Again, just a suggestion for your consumption! All the best!