Speaker cables with good timbre

As the title says, i would like to hear recommendations on a pair of speaker cables, copper, that have a very good midrange, imaging and truth of timbre or faithful reproduction of instrument sound. As i get older i started to realize i value those characteristics the most when i listen to recorded music. Thank you in advance.


Showing 1 response by pinthrift

Hi audiogabby...thanks for your question,

A reminder we are all on differing phases and stages of our hobby-pastime-passions.  Having worked intimately with a small cable manufacturer, I look for similar tastes in presentation to mine.  I suspect George Cardas and I would have a grand time in a listening session.  Additionally, tonality - timbre...sounds as YOU know them, is always primary to my goals as well, audiogabby. 

My limited budget solution was buying a run of used Cardas Clear Sky X4 cables and retrofitting one end to bi-wired at the loudspeakers by Cardas.  I also upgraded the 12 ends to forged spade connectors.  Time has taught me the connectors can be AS or MORE important than the wire.  

Cutting Open a Forged Spade

Clear Sky | Cardas Audio      (scroll to X4 Speaker)

The X4 is a biwire design, however, the Cardas Tech cautioned biwiring the ends may not be appropriate for full range applications, particularly the deep bass.  My situation was okay as I cut off the 80hZ at my pro Focusrite DAC, sending deep bass only  to my RymiK L12 subwoofer.  Above 80hZ, using SPDIF from the Focusrite, that signal is sent to my NEW Geshelli J2 DAC, running the most current AK4499 dac chip along with the terrific Sparkos 2590 op amps.  Never has $555 been spent more wisely in my long hi fi journey.   

Wishing all our USA members a warm "filling" Happy Thanksgiving week!

More Peace      Pin                (caps for old eyes)