Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?

Showing 4 responses by oldhvymec

One person has to be happy, that’s you! You saved yourself a lot of money.. Lot of folks do the same thing.. Some even DIY..

It’s no difference to anyone else in spite of what THEY think or think they know..

I don’t expect everyone else to agree, BUT they aren’t listening to your system or paying your bills..

Enjoy your new found "pearl".

Mr Mike what is ROI? 

Thanks builder3. I never though about ROI with cables. BUT I’ve NEVER paid for expensive cables. I’ve use and herd quit a few.

My DIY after years of tinkering and some good cable supplies have matched or bettered what I’ve herd.

I’m not kidding 170.00 usd vs 17,000.00 usd. The ONLY difference was some laser etched blocks.

I used a broken Oak pallet I found on the side of the road.. I pulled the staples and screw nails, cut and fit the pieces, did the router work, sanded it and gave the pieces two coats of urethane..

Our garage creation used a tiny router bit to scroll "Sound Boys" in his finest router free hand.

BTW that guy paid over 12k for one set and 22k for a second of Oden IIs. Not one of our little group picked one over the other.

Some folks like wearing knickerbockers, me double chap canvas or denim with leather work boots.. or JUST work boots.. I’m quit a sight.. :-) oh I forgot. I wear a hat too.

Come on dog.. Time to feed the chickens..

Put on your glasses, now do you see it.. Prove?

Why does anybody have to prove anything to anybody. That's right they DON'T!

Why cast pearls before swines? You need proof, good for you.

Prove it yourself and post your experience.

People demanding proof.. 

Ask a better question and you just MIGHT get a better answer.

Quality questions = quality answers LESS the fancy attempt to show one's super duper intellect, with SALTY soup and not even a decent word salad.

Time to look in on the chickens.. Skunk is trying to get in the hen house, come on dog..
Good one your talkin food and tasting and I'm talkin actually typin' 
about hearing.. Some folks are deaf.. There we go.. Watermelon? I just like melons.. ;-) Maybe grapefruit. Bigger :-)

No condiments please..

Time to feed the chickens..