Speaker Cables - Long Run

Greetings -

I'm stuck with having to run 20' of bi-wire cable from my Conrad Johnson Premier 12's to Vandersteen Quattro's. Have been using Van Den Hul Tea Track, some say I can do better. 

Without breaking the bank, I'm considering upgrading. 

If anyone would care to recommend a bi-wire cable that would do well in a 20' run, I would appreciate it!

Thank you!


Showing 1 response by digsmithd

Agree with erik-squires...the 3104 is a bargain cable that is just that.The cable needs hours of running in...but pays off with a honest timber,some of the best bass in budget/speaker wire world ive heard.

There is the canare 4s11.

Furez 4/14 quad...which is a nice constructed + super reasonable.