Speaker cables for Zu Omens??

Aside from the obvious (Zu cables), has anyone stumbled on a great cable match for the Omens?? Any other set up tips or tweaks??

Showing 5 responses by telescope_trade

Well because, I knew the first answer was going to be Zu, so
while I'm sure they are a great match, and probably the way
I am going to go, I was hoping some cable fanatics would be
putting other speaker cables through their paces with Zu's
and may have found another great synergy.
My current cables are Silver Sonic T-4's. Budget will
be around $400 give or take.
Not real sure I want to change anything, but can't help
wonder what a higher quality cable might bring to the table?

I'm trying in my minds eye/ears :o) to think of past cables that
may add to the quality of the Zu's. Cables that come to mind are AZ Satori & Holograms, Anti cables, Don't think Nordost
would be a good match?? but who knows?

But of coarse all cables I had in the past were with totally different systems so it's hard to tell.

My best bet is probably just order some Zu cables as who
would know better I guess as to what works best with their
speakers right!?
Oh and btw...I forgot to mention that the main reason I
need new cables is my only pair of cables I have now are
biwire cables and I don't like having two ends dangling in the air.
Hey TLs49,

Yea, that's what I thought was the right move ultimately so that's what I'll do!

Thanks a bunch!

I have bananas or I would stack them.. I'll see
what I can gather up, but think I will order some Mission

Thanks again!