Speaker Cables for Thiel 2.4

I am looking for some advice from my fellow A-goners. I am currently in the market for a pair of high quality speaker cables for my Thiel 2.4 speakers. Associated equipment is as follows:

Levinson 27.5
Levinson 38S
Levinson 36S
Levinson 37
Kimber Selects 2120 (digital), 1111 (analog) and 1120 (analog) interconnects
Synergistic Research and Transparent power cords


Showing 1 response by lrsky

My experience tells me that 'usually'systems sound better when 'all' cables and interconnects are the same brand.
I would stick with a Kimber Select.
In fact, I lived with an all Kimber Select system for quite some time, and liked it.
IF you elect to go with one brand for all and want to change, the Acoustic Zen is good with the THIEL Audio products.
In the more pricey category, Silversmith is very natural sounding 'to me', though a little pricey they offer excellent cables and interconnects.
Used their product with a mega buck system to great success in Vegas a few years ago--plus Jeff is really good to work with.