Speaker cables for paradigm studios

I am looking to upgrade my system. I'm most likely going with the rogue audio Sphinx2 to pair with my paradigms. I have studio v1 and v3 speakers. I have Aq type 4 now. Is it worth biwiring? $300-500 range depending on biwiring. Thanks
I have a full set of Clear Day Cables and still highly recommend them as well but have moved over to WyWires. I doubt I'll get rid of my Clear Days because I like them so well and still believe they're hard to beat for the money. I have been switching out my Clear Days for WyWires Silver series and the change has been fairly noticeable but they do cost more. The WyWires are more open, much wider and deeper stage. I'm hearing things the Clear Days just couldn't flesh out which is surpring because the Clear Days are great cables. Alex of WyWires is just as easy to work with as Paul so look at WyWires as well if your budget allows.

Changed out the Morrow SP4 speaker cables for ClearDay Double Shotguns.  I had not previously run the ClearDays with the Merrill Audio Taranis amp.  My initial reaction was one of surprise as I expected the ClearDays to need some time to settle in and open up.  They'd been stored loosely coiled in a box for several months before installation  The sound "out of the box" was very good...not compressed or dull/flat sounding at all.  Will need to do more listening and reinstall the SP4s to be certain but I'm thinking the ClearDays are a bit "smoother" sounding than the SP4.  I don't mean rolled off - but more "relaxed" sounding and easier to listen to.  Cymbal crashes in Falling Star from Trower's In City Dreams seem fuller and not spitty or edgy.  Need to go back and check them using the SP4s.  I'm wondering if what I'm hearing might be the absence of little grain that was present with the SP4s?  Don't hang your hat on that comment.  Though I have tried to keep volume levels the same for the comparison, can't swear I didn't reduce volume a little with the ClearDays.  Also, wondering how much unplugging and plugging the banana terminations have improved contact.  Will need to reinstall the SP4s and listen more over the next couple of days.  Hope to report back in a couple of days.  Right now, however, I'm in no hurry to change out Paul's cable.
Thanks everyone, Rogue Sphinx ordered. HiFiman 400i ordered. Going to let everything burn in and then probably  Schiit  gungir next. Once I get it all dialed in I'll test drive some cables😊
What cables did you order, for doing a comparison?

The ClearDays always bring smile when I listen to music on my system. Listening to "Tea for the Tillerman" SACD (Analogue Productions) and with ALL the CD/SACDs were mastered in this manner. One of the best discs I own. ClearDay cables are so transparent.
Milpai - I have an SACD version of Tea For The Tillerman + some old vinyl versions. I will have to give the SACD a listen. That’s a great album. I still remember when I first heard it decades ago. The massed voices at the end of the title track made a lasting impression.

If anyone at all is interested, it’s now Day 2 of listening with the Clear Days re-installed. Things sound GREAT. I don’t think it is placebo. There’s just something more "euphonic" running the Class D Taranis to Totem Forests with the Clear Days vs Morrow Audio SP4. I also think bass is deeper...maybe that’s due to a difference in the overall tonal balance running Clear Days vs Morrows...Clear Days warmer? Morrows more high frequency??

As I try to reconstruct the history of what led to using the SP4s vs continuing with the Clear Days...Paul’s shorter cables were fine with my tube mono blocks positioned near each speaker. That’s what I was running (Cyber 800SE EL34 mono blocks + Consonance Reference 50 6H30 tube pre-amp) when I switched off from the Joplin speaker cable and heard the transforming difference Paul’s wire brought. When I wanted to run a Hegel integrated positioned between the Forests, however, I needed longer speaker wire (or so I seem to recall). Also, the Hegel was pretty laid back and (to my ear) rolled off sounding in the treble.  The Morrow’s were longer and seemed to liven up the higher frequencies. Yes, I know...don’t use cable as a tone control. I did. When I got the Taranis I just kept on using the SP4s and never thought to try the Clear Days. Reading Falconquests above request for a comparison of Clear Days vs Morrow Audio cable was certainly fortuitous. Right now, the Clear Days seem a very good match for the Taranis/Forest combo.