Speaker Cables for Paradigm Reference 100v.2's?

Hi there.

I'm trying to decide what to do on speaker cables for my Paradigm Reference 100's. I also have the Paradigm CC center and ADP surrounds, but am interested in starting to upgrade with my mains for stereo music, followed by the rest.

Currently the speakers are all being driven by my receiver (Denon 3802), but I'll soon be picking up a seperate amp for at least the mains (probably Bryston 4bst).

Right now the mains are single wired with Audioquest CV-4, unterminated. I also made some jumpers out of the same cable to replace what comes on the speaker. Now I'm thinking of upgrading to bi-wire cables.

On my list as possibilites are:

MIT Terminator 2
Audioquest Gibralter
Analysis Plus Oval 9's or 12's
Kimber Kable 8tc

Any recommendations one way or the other? I've heard great things about them all. The MIT's seem to be popular to other paradigm owners. Suggestions?


Showing 1 response by thebull

I own the 100s and they're currently my main stereo speaker (for music only). I find them to be on the bright side (as most do not, it seems), so I'll offer two suggestions for cables that I've tried:

-- If you think the 100s sound 'bright', try Cardas Quadlink. That's what I'm using now, and it's the best the Paradigms have sounded since I bought them about 6 months ago.

-- If you think the 100s are 'normal' to 'dull', try bi-wiring with Kimber Kable 8TC (bottom) and 4TC (top). Or if you can afford only one, the 8TC sounds nice, detailed and clean. The 4TC is also ok, but offers less bass IMO.

I've also tried MIT T2 (bi-wired and not). Again, if you don't think the 100s are bright, either of the MITs worked for me...and I prefer the bi-wired.