Speaker Cables for Magico

I am awaiting June delivery of new Magico A3's, which will replace my beloved Von Schweikert VR5 HSE's, which simply are too big for my LR. (They will be for sale.) I use Nordost Valhalla 1 shotgun biwire speaker cables with the VR5's (a felicitous combo), which accommodate (and VS recommends) biwiring. The Magico's do not, so I will be selling the Valhalla SC's as well.
Which brings me to SC's for the Magico A3. Which cables have users found simpatico with Magico's? While I appreciate the are are few if any A3's out in the field yet, they do sport the "Magico sound" so SC's that play well with other Magico models may provide some insight on compatibility.
Thank you. Changing speakers and SC's is an anxious business -- almost like getting remarried!


Showing 1 response by folkfreak

You really need several sets in to try out (or trade in and out on the used market). I would explore the offerings from Synergistic Research -- either the Atmosphere or Galileo series, the ability to fine tune the balance with the tuning bullets in the Galileo's is a bonus but with the older LE models you do get into the whole complexity of MPCs which is a big deal if you haven't already got an investment in SR cables

Anyway most dealers will let you demo sets at home so get in two or three or borrow from the Cable company