Speaker cables and power cord for Devialet 170

Wondering what others experiences has been. I am using Nordost's Tyr 2 speaker cables and Shunyata's Tron Python for PC. The Shunyata PC sounded better to me than the Valhalla and Cardas PC. But with speaker cables I preferred The Nordost Tyr2 to Transparent Reference and Cardas Clear M.
Try a Purist Audio powercable. They are superior in a more intimate and realistic proportion of instruments and voices. At shows I always know when Shunyata is used. Normally you get instruments and voices which are too big in proportion

I don't take those people serious and I will correct them.

You need to understand the different properties of the cables you are using.
I have not heard the Purist cables yet, but I have read many praises for them. Is there more than 1 level of power cables and if so which have you heard? Thanks Marc
I love the Purist Audio Limited Edition. This one is far superior compared to the topmodel of Shunyata and also the Valhalla.

I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I owed the Valhalla as well and the powercable also.



Purist Audio is a lot more precise than Shunyata and Nordost. Instruments and voices are in real very small and direct. I call this intimate sound. But also the black level is from a different a higher level. It gives you a much more physical image.
Are your speaker cables the same as power cable? Also, I cannot find a price list for Purist cables, can you point me to one? Thanks for your input.
Did you compare it to the Purist speaker cables? Whose else cables did you compare them to if you would? I recently read some of your threads and your experience is notable. Your amp and speakers would be of interest to me, if you don't mind.
I prefer Audioquest loudspeakercable because they use silver. Silver gives your more information compared to copper. DBS 72v gives you a stunning black level but also a better timing.

In 16 years of time I auditioned many powercables. And I owned many as well. But Purist Audio is in it's own league.

I Always try to look for the best. To be honest my focus is on the best endresults.

I use the Monitor Audio PL-200 with the PLW-15 subwoofer.

The way I use it, it gives a stunning huge 3 dimensional stage. But I created an intimate physical stage with the huge stage. Monitor Audio can make very good crossovers. So you get a wide and deep stage. Their ribbontweeter give a more open and more touchable image than a dometweeter can give. It also has more authority over the highest freq. It even goes beyond 100.000 hz. There is also more decay compared to a dometweeter. The other main advantage is that a ribbontweeter can project a voice or instrument a lot sharper in front of you, it becomes more physical. It even makes the stage larger.

I use Pass Labs poweramps because class A gives you more flavors in the mid freq than ever a class D amp can give you. For classical music this becomes more apparent. The Devialet also gives a deep and wide stage. But Pass Labs give e better speed en dynamics. But also a more musical mid freq. For a perfectionist this is a pre.

I have developed my own way of using Audyssey Pro. I can get a much better controled sound than with any other pre amp regarding price. I even have proven that in articulation and details I can beat every pre amp till 15000 dollar with ease. I even created stealth low freq with a subwoofer. This means that the energy is comming from the place were it is recorded. Even when the subwoofer stands 3 metres from that place. One of my clinets called it voodoo. Because he said; this is not possible, but I hear it.

I can play as loud as I want even with my subwoofer starting from 16 hz. Without professional roomcorrection you will loose all controle, sharp image and even definition and layers of the low freq.