Speaker cable upgrade please help........

I am very happy with where my system is today but I still wonder if I am hearing everything it is capable of. Do the Audioquest cv-6 24dbs speaker cables I am using allow me to hear what my amplifier and source are capable of? I have coughed up the dough on some nice interconnects going between Acoustic Zen Silver Ref II and Audioquest Cheetah 36v dbs but have kept my speaker cables through several system upgrades. I love the sound I have now and wonder if a move into one of the following would provide much improvement. I am looking at the following: Audio Magic Sorcerer, Coincident TRS or TRS Extreme, Audioquest Mont Blanc or Volcano, Audience, others I should be considering? I have been hesitating on this upgrade because I know there are two schools on high end cables. I know of audiophiles who have $10k in speakers and really nice digital and amplifier and use home depot speaker cable. I also see those who go crazy and spend as much on cable as on the components upstream. Thanks for your much needed help.
If you don't want to go crazy with spending thousands of dollars on speaker cables you might want to look at some of the lower cost Nordost cables. I use the gold (copper) superflats in a shotgun formation and they match my maggies very well. You should check out some of the audiogon listings. You can't go wrong with a 2-3M pair running around $100-150. You can always move up to the red dawn & blue heaven models and if you win the lottery you can get Valhallas!!!
Does anyone know if I can make interconnects using regular copper wire? I tried the Home Depot HD-14G for the speakers and they sound awesome. Josep
I have just upgraded my speaker cables to high end cables and they have an arrow for direction, the cables are about 1.5 ,inch arround ,and locking pin connectors. I am not shure how to lock them in or what direction I should go ,from amp or from speakers.
I have a denon 5803 new and polk audio lsi 25 ,and the whole lsi system, all new out the box, and the cobolt cables and interconectors, I have been reading about amp - cable burn in , not shure what that is and wanted some info.
If you can help me with this that would be great. I am new to all of this ....