Speaker Cable Suggestions?

I am upgrading my speaker cables for Vandy 2CE and Bel Canto EVO amp, I am considering MIT Term. 2 and Analysis Plus Oval 9, must be biwire. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rick

Showing 1 response by otdriller

I have a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Speakers and a Musica amp (50 watts per channel). I purchased a pair of Analysis Plus oval 9 biwired speaker cables and found them to be wonderful. The bass is very extended and the highs are smooth. The cables sounded great right out of the boxes but I have noticed an improvement the more I play them. I can't imagine a better cable for the money. This is my personal opinion everyones ears are unique and if possible try out various cables before you buy.