Speaker Cable Suggestions?

I am upgrading my speaker cables for Vandy 2CE and Bel Canto EVO amp, I am considering MIT Term. 2 and Analysis Plus Oval 9, must be biwire. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rick

Showing 1 response by garyl

Have you considered the Acoustic Zen Satori? There's a review at Audio Asylum by a guy that's getting great results with these wired to his EVO. I just upgraded to these from the AP Oval 9's. I prefer them over the AP, but they cost a bit more. If you have the dough, I'd go for the Zen's, but if on a budget, the AP is a superb sounding cable. I agree with the other poster about trying cables before commiting to a purchace, but I think both the AP and the Satori are neutral enough to make them a safe bet with a wide range of systems.