Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k

I’m looking for some advice on speaker cables.  I currently have Morrow SP7s and would like to upgrade while keeping under 2k for a 2.5m pair.  Below is a list of my equipment.  

Linn LP12 with circus upgrade and lingo power supply

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge

Herron VTPH-2a phono preamp

ARC LS25 MKII preamp

ARC VT200 power amp

Harbeth 30.2 40th Anniversary Speakers

Interconnects and phono cable are also Morrow 7 series

Thanks in advance for your insights.

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By far and away the best I’ve tried are Lenehan Audio FoiFlex cables which use a roughly 2" wide lacquered copper foil. Never have I used a more detailed and nuanced cable, yet it’s also utterly natural sounding with deep solid sounding accurate bass. Timbres seem to be more accurate than my previous cable choices also. I’m now running the FoilFlex RCA’s and speaker cables. I’d go as far as to say they’ve made the most significant improvement of any component in my sound chain which was rather unexpected.


FoilFlex - High quality hand made audio cables. – Foil Flex (foilflexcables.com)

I have had fantastic results with Transparent Audio speaker cables. Synergy is key in any system so its best to demo whatever cables you want to try. Hopefully you have a transparent dealer in your area or a seller that takes returns. My system is on a similar level with yours and I found the Transparent Supers to be a perfect match. The MM2 version sounded more open than the G5s in my system but both can be found used in a 3 meter for less than $1K. I am running a clear audio performance DC with a cadenza black through a Manley Chinook to a Manley stingray 2 into Wilson watt puppies. The MM2 TA supers are a perfect match but had to demo several cables before I was happy. 

Thanks to everyone for your recommendations.  I appreciate your various perspectives.  I know selecting cables is system dependent but your insight will really help when developing a list of cables to try.  I’m looking forward to the auditioning process. Keep the recommendations coming!  

While I have no doubt re the poster (@akg_ca) suggesting Nordost sounded bright in his system, the bottom line is that cables are highly system dependent. Indeed, the description of his system would lead me to the conclusion that Nordost might not be the best bet for him.

That said, his full-cable-loom experience partly mirrors my own, with the major exception that my loom is Nordost (variably and according to need from Blue Heaven to Frey 2.  

What this confirms to me is that to get the best value from your investment you need to try a few different brands and once you find the brand that works best for you/your system maybe a couple of different options from that brand. It takes a bit good ones are) but it is worth the effort and the process can be quite enlightenting.

I recently upgraded to Anti-Cables Level 4.2 flx, they blow away my old Audience AU24 and Wireworld shotgun biwire cables that both cost many times more, the Anti Cables were like $550 and I think they have a trial period

The nice thing is they are easy to manipulate and thin, best bass I've heard, most live and real sounding... And it won't cost you anywhere near $2k