Speaker cable recommendations please

Starting to think about what will replace my AQ Rockefellers. I feel like these are now possibly my weakest link.

Amplifier is the Ayre AX-7e, speakers are Amphion Argon.

I guess I like what many others do: excellent detail retrieval, tight punchy bass, realistic mids on the warm-ish side, non-fatiguing highs. Overall I prefer clarity/neutrality/detail over warmth.

Budget would be up to 1000, for used.

At some point I may give the anti-cables a trial run, just to gauge the hype. I don't see how these wouldn't be a downgrade though given the cost difference against what I have now. Who knows....?

Showing 2 responses by joncourage

At this point I'm considering

AZ Hologram II
Kimber 8tc

And will likely trial the Clear Day and Anticables.

I've also read plenty of good things about audience au24e. Are those worth delaying the purchase until I can afford the difference in price, against the other choices?

Would any of these *not* be a noticeable upgrade to the Rockefellers?
Thanks Davey.

Yeah, I realize system synergy and subjective preference are significant determinants.

Thanks for your recommendations.

I'm definitely not stuck on Supra (or anything else). Just trying to figure out what others like and think could be worth trying.

I can probably afford up to about the Frey, maybe Tyr, if second-hand.

Guess in the end I really have to figure out how to get trials so I can listen for myself, or just resign myself to cycling through purchases.

So the exercise probably boils down to creating my short list. Which at this point seems to include - Nordost, Synergistic, Clear Day, Audience.