Speaker cable recommendation

Hi guys! I'm currently listening my Hegel amp with Sonus Faber Gurneri connected by MIT MH-750 Shotgun speaker cable. Actually, I like almost everything, but have an impression that this MIT cable is not fast enough (checked some other cables, which are faster, but lack this MIT clarity and dimentionality). Which better alternative would you recommend within my budget of 1200 usd (incl. second-hand options, length 3m)? 
I just got myself a pair of Wywire Daedalus 10' speaker wire recently  since I own Daedalus speakers having tried Allnic ZL 5000 . Cardus Clear blue and some others ( Zenwave) found the Wywire to have wide sound stage sense of openness ,  Speed , resolution and dynamic both HF & LF with very impressive detail ! very happy with with SC plus Alex is a jewel of a person to deal with  you will not go wrong with Wywire my other option would have been Zenwave silver  which are very detailed and lean in presentation  
Thank you adg101. I'm using Shunyata and NBS PC's and mix of Nordost, MIT and Cardas GC interconnects. For speaker cables I tried Nordost (too bright), Cardas GC, Black Cat, Tellurium Q, XLO, Kondo Operia cables, but MIT is still better for clarity and Imaging. In all cases at hard rock the picture starts to deteriorate to various degree, so I think that a better MIT model might work. Shunyata is on the expensive side, don't want Audioquests because of batteries. Also thought of Acoustic Zen  never tried WyWyres.
What other speaker cables have you tried and what is the rest of you cables as far as IC and PC’s? I like WyWires. There’s some WyWires Platinums here in your budget you might want to read up on. I use a mix of WyWires and Nordost in my system so I’d recommend Nordost too although I’m not too familiar with their speaker cables firsthand.