I am planning to upgrade my speaker cable and interconnect to the HIJIRI cables but budget is a constraint I can do one cable at a time.

So my friends which cable should be my first purchase the speaker cable or the interconnect.



Showing 14 responses by jc51373

I wouldn’t recommend Gestalt Audio..I bought from them and Colin gave me an in home audition with the expectation if I don’t want the product I return to with no string attached. The product had a loud buzzing incompatibility with my TT so I returned it..Not before he gave me a hard time, and then tried to charge me a restock fee and charge me for return shipping. I contested it with my CC and of course he lost, but I wouldn’t trust this dealer and have never done business with him again for a multitude of reasons.  Buyer beware.

There is no other side to the story..Im not one to post negative reviews on a dealer and I’ve been in hifi for more years than I care to share...Good on your for your positive experience. He was blatantly in the wrong and that was proven to be the case and I am sharing my experience..You wouldn’t say what you said above if I shared a positive experience, so no need to shill for your buddy.

Yes I did, I made an exception in this case, a point that clearly went over your head..I’ve been in this hobby longer than he’s been in business and never been treated by a dealer the way he behaved. So I do it with good reason so there is a counterpoint experience to all the customers who basically are acting as reviewers for him, Grannyring being one of them. First post was deleted for whatever reason. I am sure GR reported it.

Colin had an opportunity to do the right thing, he chose not to and act like a child about it and take money that wasn’t his. In my experience he can’t be trusted and I wouldn’t deal with him again.

lol...Rationalize much? What are you the Judge and Jury? You want my credit card investigation results? Tell you what since this seems incredibly important to you, send me a PM with your information and I will gladly share whatever details I can..But you have to fess-up and tell me how much gear he put in your home for a discount so you can advertise for him like he does with other customers on here.  

I know this is dificult for you to accept and maybe even struggle with comprehension..But I am not in the habit of repeating myself..Srcoll up about 8 posts and you will have all the details you need. JACK!

They were..I was told it was no obligation, invoice had ZERO terms on it that would suggest I’d be on the hook for these chanrges. Then the product didn’t work, then he got salty and blamed my Turntable, instead of the Geppetto manufacturer who makes the phono stage who couldn’t figure it out either, at which point I politely said I am sending it back. It wasn’t until he received it back he credited me and deducted the charges. The expectation was NEVER set, not verbally, or on the invoice. Hence why he lost the dispute.

Not sure why it ever got to the point it did, but he complicated alot of other parts of the transaction as well. Too many good dealers to deal with rather than one who doesn’t have policies in place and doesn’t set expectations and ultimately alienates a customer. 

I ultimately took my business elsewhere, sitting in front of a $40K plus system. End of the day that business could have been his. 


I have a version of you invoice that does NOT state anything about minus shipping, so you produced another invoice-crafty..And I have a full credit back from my bank and screenshot of them ruling in my favor..Once I figure out how to upload the images I will put it up. 



@jl35 yes i paid for the return shipping, he tried to charge me for the shipping to me and a fee, I was mistaken in what I said above. The issue surrounded the charge for shipping back and a fee which was predicated on the fact the unit did not work in my system and it was a result of the Konus design, not my Turntable. 


Again, he didn't do the right thing, why should I have to pay for a unit he was unable to troubleshoot and didn't work with my system when 5 other phono stages worked flawlessly. If you sent a phono stage that didn't work with my Turntable it's on the dealer to know that, he didn't. And if he doesn't know it and can't fix it you don't charge the customer for something you're gear is the cause of. 

Then he sung the praises of a Tron phono as the second coming of Christ and when I listened to it is was average and bested by a Lejonklou at half the price by a large margin. 




No this is a disagreement in principle that he sent me a unit that was either defective or incompatible with my TT and then blamed my TT and became difficult when I decided I want to return it. 



That is not true...My first post details the issue and how he gave me a hard time about the unit sent. The amount of the shipping wasn’t the primary issue, it was the way he handled the situation and wanted to charge me for a unit that didn’t work and he couldn’t solve the issue.

I paid return shipping, then asked him nicely not to impose anymore charges, and he did anyway. All in, I lost over $60 on a unit that he sent that was either defective or flawed in it’s design in how it worked with the ground on my TT.

Im not asking you to absorb this entire post here, since Facten derailed it, but the crux of the issue is his handling of the problem, then how I was treated and made to feel like it was my fault because I owned a Rega P10, which was beneath him and what he sells. And yes he tried to upsell me into a TT he sells to replace the P10. 

The Tron Was average...The Phono with the issue was a different one, Konus. Sounded great, but couldn't resolve the issue it had. 


No not both for that price, the Tron ended up being direct through the distributor who was much easier to deal after the trust deficit Colin created, a much more ethical person to deal with IMO. I paid the freight on that one and those expectations were very clearly set up front. Glad I got to hear the Tron, but it didn’t live up to the hype Gestalt created over it.

Getting back on topic is fine, I’ve made my point..I don’t challenge dealers like this, and I pride myself on good relationships with dealers and I have many. This situation could have absolutely been handled differently than it was and it most certainly rubbed me the wrong way. He made his choice and ultimately I am just expressing my dissatisfaction.