Speaker Cable Length

I know that this thread has been visited before in gerneral terms, but I would appreciate feedback relative to my specific situation. My current speaker cables are 15 feet each. What, if any benefit, will result in using 10-12 feet lengths? What about 8 feet (the shortest I might be able to go after extensive re-arranging of equipment)? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by megasam

As has been discussed in many threads, if you have audio rack on side wall use long ICs to amp between speakers, and short speaker cables, cheaper total cost and better sound. I would not go shorter than 6ft on speaker cables for the simple reason that they loose resale value if you want to upgrade. I personally would stick with 6-8ft speaker cables and not worry about the 2-4% of sound I am missing by not using 3ft speaker cables.