Speaker Cable for SET amplfiier - 1000$

I'm looking for good speakers cable to replace for my old Kimber Kable 8TC .

I have SET amplificiation based on 211 tube with high efficiency speakers .
So i want some warm detailed sound with AMAZING mids and
endless highs (peferct cable :)) ...

I guess second hand will be better VFM .
Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by zoya

Scrubidubi, I have SET amplifier based on 300B tubes with high efficiency horn loaded speakers. I have achieved great sound from my set up using 12/36 (12 strands of 36 AWG) cotton wrapped LITZ wire. My total cost was less than $300 (plus one day of my labor) including the purchase of the soldering tub for the proper LITZ wire termination.
Just my 2c.