Speaker Cable directionality: reversable??

I bought a demo pair of XLO ultra 6 cables which have directional arrows on the ends of them. The specifics of my equipment requires that I would either have to re-terminate them (to take the spades off the amp end) or else hook them up in reverse of the labelled arrows.
Is there any reason why the cable direction matters, or would reversing them just mean I would have to "break-in" the cables again.
Please help me out; I don't want to undermine the quality I paid good money for!

Much thanks for any advice!!

Showing 2 responses by bob_bundus

This is so simple: yet no one gets it & practically everyone has an erroneous opinion & wants to argue theirs. There is absolutely a reason why the arrows are there; the conductor was drawn through the die in that direction. I was just talking with Ted Denney, president of Synergistic about this yesterday. If you had a way to visually map the patterns of electron flow (cable deigners are typically equipped to do this) the answer should become obvious. Naysay all you want to: I'll bet some of you would even argue with the manufacturers.
If you want to use the cables then have them reterminated to fit your equipment, or maybe even do it yourself if you have access to a quality compression crimper.
Power does not travel bidirectionally; it flows from the source (the amp) to the load (speaker). Voltage & current parameters, while in fact altentating, are not in question here - it is the delivery of POWER from one place to another. Same thing happens within AC power lines; the power flows from the generator to the load (admittedly with some small amount of reflections which are academic to this discussion).
I correctly predicted that some naysayers would even argue with the manufacturer/designer; I suppose y'all know more about their products than even they do? Fine - I am not here for that. I do not have to prove anything to anyone; I've heard the effects with my own ears & verified by the designers that's good enough for me. Don't believe it, if you don't want the optimum from your rig, then you don't & you won't get that. But don't come up here disseminating misinformation to someone who wants to know the truth & obscure it with your misinformed opinions. I am only here to help Oleander get a truthful answer to his question & to get the most from his rig. If you don't want that for yourselves then I don't care, but he does. Good day to you all.