speaker cable

i have a mc275 amp and a C22 pre amp with Silverline Sonata speakers what are the best spearker wire for me I do like a Full,Warm sound HELP!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Showing 1 response by waldhorner3fc4

With a Mac275, your basic desires should mostly be fulfilled. However, unless someone has EXACTLY the same setup as you do, their recommendations have little meaning. I suggest that you experiment with a variety of inexpensive cabling first as a reference point and proceed from there (if you really feel that you need to).Cabling, of course can sound differently from each other, but this is largely a matter of simple electrical properties and not exotic and expensive configurations. General information regarding the cause and effect relationships resulting from various cabling gauges and lengths in relation to amplifier and speaker impedances can probably be had from both manufacturers. There is also published information regarding this subject available from several sources. Off hand though, I can't be more specific. Invest a little time and perhaps save yourself a lot of money.