Most speakers, as you state, use some type of wood product, mostly MDF. There are some like Rockport that use molded layers of a hard and soft materials to help damp resonances. Wilson uses layers of methacrylic and a damping material, and also a mineral-loaded phenolic compound. Some manufacturers such as Sonus Faber feel that since all cabinets resonate, they should be made of the same wood used in musical instruments. Others feel that the cabinet should be damped as much as possible to minimize its contribution to the sound. I guess it just depends on what type of sound you like.
Speaker cabinet materials.
Just wondering what are some of the materials used in building cabinets for speakers? We all know of mdf and solid wood, but how popular is aluminum? Magico and Piega use it. Are there others that use aluminum? And what other materials are used? What about acrylic?
Acoustical wool and mass loaded vinyl is used inside, what else is used?
Acoustical wool and mass loaded vinyl is used inside, what else is used?