Speaker and interconnect recommendations

Need to upgrade speaker cables and interconnects. System is Linn LP12 with Ittok and Grado Sonata, CAL Icon MKII, Audio Research SP10 MK II and D115 MKII, Sonus Faber Cremonas. Any recommendations to audition? thanks!
Synergy. You've heard this before? I've gone from Latinternational ICs to Cardas Golden Ref, to my present Harmonix Golden Performamace. I used Lats, as well, for my speaker cables until switching about two years ago to Sonoran Plateaus by Star Sound Technologies. Again, a beautiful match. These cables are quite reasonable, though the Harmonix are a bit pricey. I know many, who have traded in their Nordost Valhallas for the Harmonix GP. That was enough for me. VERY hard (infact I've never seen the GPs) to find used Harmonix. peace, warren
thanks for the replies-anyone else who would like to chime in on speaker cable recommendations that complement tubes and cremonas?
I own the Pure Note Ceruleans. If you do as search you will find many positive results. These cables are very sweet for silver. www.purenote.com
I have Pursang S with my D115 and Amatis, very nice combo ims, only the best of silver that i prefer on SF rather than copper. Higly recommended!

I would recommend that you give Audio Magic products a try, IC's or cables. I have not heard the cables first hand, but I find their IC's to be outstanding in my system.