Speaker and amp compatibility

I have a Rogue Audio Sphinx v2. I am looking at a used pair of 
KEF 104/2 Reference Floor-standing Loudspeakers

They are 4ohm with a max 200 watt.

The rogue puts out 200 at 4 ohms. Is that sufficient or would I need more power. I am a newbie and this is probobly a really basic question for you guys.

Thank you ahead of time

Showing 1 response by nekoaudio

The speakers handle at most 200W, and the amplifier will put out 200W before distorting heavily/reaching its limits, but you're unlikely to actually listen at levels that need 200W. The KEF 104/2 has a sensitivity of 92dB @ 2m @ 2.83V.

Assuming the Sphinx V2 has enough drive (the speakers are 4 ohms nominal, which means they may dip lower, and they may also have some difficult phase+impedance points), you'll probably only use a few dozen watts at the most unless you are sitting very far away or are trying to damage your hearing.