Speaker advice please

Hello once again everyone,

Having asked about PAP Quintet 15s in my prior post, I’ve decided that I’d be unwise to drop so much money on a speaker I can’t audition before I buy.

So, if I may beg your indulgence again, I’d like your input on speakers with the following parameters:

Budget: about £10,000, I’d prefer new to second hand.

Location: UK, I need to be able to audition them before purchase.

Room: 14' x 26’ ish, area behind speakers treated with cheap bass traps & foam panels, cheap bass traps in top corners of opposite wall (behind my listening position).

No wife, so the speakers can be ugly as hell if they sound good! I’ve also said that I’d rather not use subwoofers. But, if need be, I will.

Musical preference: Mainly rock and electronica, not techno though! I suppose Lamb’s Cottonwool or Portishead is about as heavy as it gets. I also like pianists and a little bit of jazz (love Monsieur Camembert’s Famous Blue Cheese album). Cello too.

The goal:

Emotional engagement and connection to the music, something to melt my stone heart and make me weep with joy. To feel the music wash over and envelope me. I don’t want to pick apart the music, though some detail is nice, hearing something new in a well-known piece of music is always fun. Excellent soundstage if it’s not asking too much. Ooh, and good for low level listening, if possible. I still have neighbours to consider if I listen late at night.

Current system:

Speakers: Kralk Audio TDB-12. Ok but need to be driven hard to come alive. That’s how they were advertised.
Amp: Atoll IN300, 150w solid state. Willing to sell on in favour of a better matched amp for the speakers I get.
Source: Audiobyte Hydra Vox FPGA DSD DAC. Fed by a fully silent custom-built PC running JRiver.

Speakers on my radar:

Klipsch Cornwall IV.

Klipsch La Scala AL5 (£14,000 in the UK), I’d have to put off any purchase for a while. However, reviews are good and I should be able to find a dealer in the UK to listen to them.

Another pair I’m considering are Simon Mears Uccello Horns, a bit closer to my budget. www.dagogo.com/simon-mears-audio-ucello-3-way-horn-loudspeaker-review/

Hopefully that’s enough to go on, I’d really welcome your help.

As always, best regards,



Hello rooze,

Happy New Year and thank you for replying.

I guess you're right, I'll just have to find somewhere to audition.

Thanks again,


If you’re buying new, and you must have an audition, what’s available to you via a dealer in a 200 mile radius?

That might be a good starting point here, tell us what’s available and some people with experience might be able to help prioritize your audition schedule. Given your constraints of buying new and having a demo, which are smart by the way, there’s not a lot of point in us throwing out random suggestions.

 I suspect that being in the UK, you’ll encounter brands like Harbeth, maybe Audio Note, ProAc, Monitor Audio, and a few more, including Klipsch. I’ve heard speakers from all of those manufacturers over the years and they all sound so very different that I’d have a hard time telling you what to like :)

Good luck with your search.