speaker advice' help needed

Anyone out there have any recommendations on speakers (new or used, $500-$1000) to match with this experiment I'm putting together:
Jolida 502B integrated amp
arcam 73 CD
RS-Audio interconnects
(Sugg on speaker wire too?)

Mucical tastes: mostly classical with emphisis on large orchestra; blues; instrumental

Thanks so much

Showing 1 response by kukakunga

I have an Underwood modded 502B driving a pair of Totem Sttafs and this is a lovely combination. Totems are not the most efficient but not a problem at all with 502, i think people tend to exaggerate about how much power some less efficient speakers need to be happy. Any Totems will match well with the larger Jolida tube amps. I upgraded from an Arcam A75 which was terrible with the Totems which revealed all kinds of grain and high frequency garbage, very revealing speakers. My Arcam CD72 is next on the chopping block to be repleced by an Eastsound CD-5.