Spay for CD

Is anybody had experimnent some liquid to be spray on CD, to help having a better readings of CD ?
What are your appreciations about them ? 
What do you think the product make, to have a better audition experience ?
Thank you ?

Showing 12 responses by rodman99999

So- you’re measuring, "Nothing"? That clears things up. 😬  Keep digging(I love it)!
@hifiman5 -  I used to use Rain-X, to repair unplayable/buggered up DVDs, when rented from the video store.   Usually worked great!
It wasn’t meant to.   BUT- given that everything in the universe(including photons), either consists of or has(depending on your favorite theory), an electromagnetic field, none should be able to unequivocally state, that magnetism would/could not affect the typical CDP’s operation, in some audible way. No one has all the answers!
Acoustic waves are variations in AIR pressure from place to place and over time(pressurization/rarification/frequency). The air is made of atoms/molecules/matter. Where(exactly) did I say(or even hint) that magnetism and electromagnetic fields are the same thing? My premise is that magnetism may have an effect, on anything with an electromagnetic field. fyi: Most EMF meters measure the electromagnetic radiation flux density (DC fields) or the change in an electromagnetic field over time (AC fields), I repeat, "No one should be able to unequivocally state, that magnetism would/could not affect the typical CDP’s operation, in some audible way. No one has all the answers!" Actually, I should have added: or the operation of any component, in an audio chain.
Should I ever have the slightest thought, of even beginning to speculate, concerning the merest possibility of agreeing with you, in the future: I’ll try to be more concise.  Reminds me of an old saying: "I know you think you heard what I said, but- what you understood, wasn't what I meant."    Happy listening!
As far as I know, no one knows(thus far) of what a magnetic field is composed. Like gravity, the THEORY is it’s a deformation of space/time (or not *) , caused by the presence of matter, coupled with the, "quantum spin"(which is itself an inaccurate term) of certain particles. Like so many things in our universe, magnetism’s effects can be measured, but- the actual mechanics of it’s operation remains a mystery.  As far as concluding that debate, one may as well try to nail Jello to a wall. Even WITH a knowledge of Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Physics(ie: QED, the "Jewel of Physics") and their attendant mathematics. (Let’s see: should I mention either electroweak theory, or, "virtual photons"? NAH!) As I’ve said, so many times, "No one has all the answers." My apologies, to the OP, if I’ve caused a ripple in this thread’s continuum. ( (*
I couldn’t agree more! Regarding my last post: I just thought you may be interested, in what your favorite physicist(my assumption) had to say on the matter! You did pose the question, " Just one more thing. The web site you linked to edu Illinois Physics forum of some kind, as I recall, made some statements that magnetic fields were composed of photons. Since magnetic fields are stationary how can they be composed of photons that move at lightspeed?"
None of which explains OF WHAT magnetism is MADE, but-  "All you need to know is that demagnetizing CDs or LPs improves the sound, or interconnects." and: AMEN(no offence)!  Happy listening!
Whatever, "field" might be measured, what’s being measured(far as strength), is the field’s energy level. If fields are comprised of, "nothing", rather than energy, E=mc2 is wrong. Trying to define it, is another matter, entirely(no pun intended).
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