Spatial M3 Sapphire or Klipsch Forte 4

Looking to get a high efficiency speaker, that matches well with push pull tubes and single ended triode. I listen mainly to classic rock type music. 
Think Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, type stuff.

Want to feel the punch of kick drum and quick dynamic transients. 

What are your thoughts? 



Showing 6 responses by mike_f

What’s up Ozzy, it’s Mike.
We have had similar speaker journeys. I had the Piega’s the Wilson Sophia, the Cornwall 2’s, then the Cornscalla’s. I then purchased JBL L100 classics, (which I still have).

I then got Klipsch Forte 3’s, which I liked a lot. Had them a year or two. (Thought they were a little thin in the midrange and the highs could have been a little more refined) so I sold them and then got a pair of Martin Logan Impression 11a’s. (Which I just sold) .

So I liked the Forte 3, and the Forte 4 are said to be more refined, so I’m thinking I will like the Forte 4. (Forte 3 also worked well with my 300b tube amp) . Im hearing a lot of good things about the Spatials, (I also heard Pure Audio Project at audio shows and liked them a lot too) with their wide enveloping soundstage, and dynamics, so I’m thinking I might try them out ?

The Spatial Sapphire 3 would be the one I’m thinking about. But if they can’t be run to realistic sound levels with 10 or 12 watts, I may stick with the Forte 4. 

@audioS I have a Music Reference RM200 amp, that would work well with the sapphires. I also have a KR Enterprise single ended that puts out around 10 watts. That amp drove the Cornwall and Forte really well. But I’d also like to use that amp with my next speaker purchase. So you don’t believe the Sapphire 3 would work well with 10 watts then ? Maybe I should stick with the Forte…?

@Arafiq, I had the Harbeth super HL5, (not the +) I liked them, but they didn’t have the dynamics. (snap and punch) They were a bit “polite”. They couldn’t do classic rock or anything too hard. (Great for other stuff though) The Cornwalls are super dynamic and I’d purchase them again, but they’re a little too big for my room. They can work, but if I wanted to swap out speakers they would be tough to move around. 

My listening room is in my basement. It is 14’ wide and 26’ deep. The ceilings are 7’ high. There is a support column in the middle that limits how far I can sit from the front wall. The back of my chair is 12’ from the front wall, as it rests against the support column. So I’m 12’ from the front wall. It’s 14’ wide. And I have 14’ deep of empty space behind me. (The other side of the basement) The walls are studs on top of the cinder block wall, with half inch sheet rock. The ceiling is a drop ceiling, with 2’ foot square ceiling tiles. I have 3 Martin Logan Dynamo 11 subwoofers. (2 in the front corners and one to the side in rear) 

How loud do I listen? Ive never gotten a db reading on it. But if I had to guess, I’d say around 90 to 95 db.  

Do you own the Spatial M 3 sapphires ?

I have owned Cornwall 2 and forte 3 before. Cornwall’s are too big. The forte’s I liked, but thought they could have been more refined. I haven’t heard the Spatials, but could buy either used, and re-sell if they don’t work. If the Spatials can work with 8 watts, I should be OK. I also have a music reference em 200 that pushes 100 watts.