Spatial M3 Sapphire or Klipsch Forte 4

Looking to get a high efficiency speaker, that matches well with push pull tubes and single ended triode. I listen mainly to classic rock type music. 
Think Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, type stuff.

Want to feel the punch of kick drum and quick dynamic transients. 

What are your thoughts? 



Showing 3 responses by jjss49

spatials will certainly give you the awesome bass impact and a sharp transient response... those are the strengths of that speaker line... you will need more amp than you think to control those giant woofers least for the sapphire series where the speaker is entirely passively driven, sweetie pie lower powered s-e tube amps do not qualify ime

How loud do I listen? Ive never gotten a db reading on it. But if I had to guess, I’d say around 90 to 95 db.


there are free smartphone apps to check db levels, average and peak... you may want to spend a few minutes to see...

i owned m3 sapphires for a time, i would say they will not work properly with 8 wpc tube amps... the 4x 15 in passive woofers need pretty decent amp damping factor to control the bass output - i tried my cary 300b se-i on them and i felt the bass lost most of the tone and definition that can be heard when driven by, say, a good solid state amp like a hegel or exposure amp

that said, the treble and upper midrange can be somewhat biting on the sapphires, i can see how many would opt for tubes to improve the musicality in those frequency bands... as always, all speakers make and impose certain tradeoffs, up to the owner to choose the flavor they can live with best