Spatial Audio speakers sound best with Solid state or tube amps. If so, which models?

Do you have Spatial Audio speakers in your system? Do you use solid state or tube amps to drive them, and if so what models sound best?

Showing 4 responses by fr8dog

I have the M4 Turbos powered by a Class D Audio SDS-250. Sounds good. Most of my listening is done using a Squeezebox Touch and Schiit Mimby.
The M4's were a nice step up from Maggie MMG's.
I had been interested in the 470 because my speakers (MMG's) went down to 4 ohms. A used 250 became available (also 4 ohm) so I jumped on it. The amp was complete. Does what I need it to do. Drives my speakers and doesn't turn my room into sauna.
peporter- nice gear!. One of the attractive qualities of the Spatials is the sensitivity. Seems to be a lot more choices for amps. I'm gonna try something different. Maybe tubes, or the new amp coming out from Schiit. Another good quality is how O/B interacts in my room. It's 11X12X9, not ideal dimension wise, but it is dedicated. The bass on these speakers is incredible. Nothing like I've heard before. Hard to describe. Not deep, but very detailed.
Sorry to hear about you getting stiffed. I've been fortunate.