Spatial Audio speakers sound best with Solid state or tube amps. If so, which models?

Do you have Spatial Audio speakers in your system? Do you use solid state or tube amps to drive them, and if so what models sound best?

Showing 1 response by 1graber2

I just recently bought a pair of the Triodes.

I'm still dialing them in, and have tried a few different amps.
A pair of DIY 40watt KT88 based tube monos, Naim 5i 50watt integrated SS, and the a tuned PrimaLuna.

the Monoblocks made the highs and mids sound the best of th three,but at the expense of the bass. The Naim did well, but really lacked headroom and broad dynamics and momentum. Remember, a 50 watt Naim is more akin to a respectable 100 watt Sony/Yamaha/Pioneer.

iMO, this Triode model may not be as easy to drive as once thought. I mean, there are 2 large 15" cones with an additional compressed driver on the upper cone for the upper frequencies. So I think, naturally, they will need enough power to push those big drivers.

the PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Premium with stock PrimaLuna EL-34s and 12AU7s, on the other hand, manhandled the Triodes from top to bottom. I just need to upgrade the stock tubes to get where I want