Spanish Guitar

My wife loves Spanish Guitar, but we know little about musicians in this genre. I'd like to add some of this music to our collection and learn more about the music itself. Does anyone have recommendations for good quality Spanish Guitar recordings and/or artists?

Showing 6 responses by gunbei

Yes, there is a real difference between the neo flamenco people like Jesse Cook, Ottmar, etc. [which I do like] and the REAL guys like Montoya. Some might say it's like comparing Kenny G to John Coltrane, although I think that's an insult to the neo flamenco artists and not completely fair either. But there is a difference.

Real flamenco people also get pissed if you associate the Gypsy Kings with them. Maybe because they're actually from France or because of their worldwide pop appeal. I like them too. But then again some of these people don't think anything is true flamenco unless it comes from the caves of The Sacramonte. Suffering seems to be a big part of flamenco.

There's also a lot of great non-flamenco Spanish guitar work. has a lot of nice neo flamenco compilation discs such as Flamenco Fire and Flamenco Passion with artists like Ruben Romero, Strunz & Farah, Jesse Cook, Ottmar Leibert, etc... I'll definitely have to check out the Gino D'Auri XRCD.

The thing I like about music from Spain is that it has so many great Gypsy [Middle East & Indian] and North African influences. Rich and passionate!
Panderso, I have Gino D'Auri's version of Recuerdos de la Alhambra on a Universe compilation disc and I agree. Haunting and beautiful in a different way from Segovia's.

Has anyone mentioned Sabicas yet?
John, it seems you've found some great music and have begun a journey of great enjoyment. If no one has mentioned Sabicas yet, make sure to sample some of his stylings along the way. Have fun!
J evege,

Thanks for turning me on to Narciso Yepes' Guitarra espagnola five disc set, I just received it and it's beautiful!

I saw Jesse Cook at the Thornton Winery a couple weekends ago and I had a fun time taking in his Flamenco and Middle Eastern laced fusion sounds.

I've also been enjoying listening to Narciso Yepes at work on my iPod.