
Dear Audiogon,

Please remove me from your spam email program. I believe the way you make unsubscribing next to impossible is illegal.

Soon to be ex-Audiogon seller.

Showing 2 responses by marktomaras

Perhaps you should try this link to e-mail customer support. Communicating directly with those who can address your frustration is more useful than complaining publicly, no?

Spamming is certainly annoying.  Thankfully I have not experienced it from Audiogon.  I do get a weekly update e-mail, as well as a notification when a forum post that I made is updated.  These are all controllable in the e-mail preferences in the account section.  Are you sure you are not just signed up for daily digest of forum activity, or are you actually being spammed?  I am a regular user, and it has not happened to me.  try going to your account preferences, it is quite easy.  A couple of minutes of research goes a long way.