Spacing Diffusor Panels

How important is it to have all your diffuser panels adjacent to each other?  If you’re placing diffusion behind your speakers and the wall is 20ft wide how important is it to have No Gaps between panels? If the panels are 3ft wide and you’re using three should they be arranged adjacent to each other thereby creating a continuous nine foot wide diffusion area or can they be separated by two feet or more? Does a non continuous alignment adversely impact the diffusion?

Showing 3 responses by stickman451

I agree, you don’t want diffusion too close to your seating position  or speakers because comb filtering can become an issue.  From what little I understand that effect is partially dependent upon the effective frequency range of the diffusion panels which is determined by their well depth.  The diffuser I’m using is a simple one-dimensional DIY design (they’re called HomeDepot Diffusors

They are hanging on the front wall approximately 6.5 - 7 feet from my Magnepan’s.  Actually they are sitting directly on the floor at this point, I haven’t gotten around to mounting them on the wall yet.  

It’s my understanding that the sound coming out of the Maggie panels, front and back is exactly the same; only they are in opposite phase.

i’ve tried Absorption and did not like the result; just deadens everything especially the top end.

The diffusors do expand the sound field behind the panels and I like that effect.  Balance is the key; not too much diffusion and not too little.

that brings up an interesting question; what 'sound' actually comes out of the back side of Magnepan's?  Is it an Exact duplicate of the sound waves that are emitted from the front?

If the sound from the back of the Maggies is 'not good' then why would you want it reflecting off of the front wall back into the sound field?

But, more listening is required.  My initial impressions are that in general the sound is better overall and that the room just seems more natural sounding with the diffusors on the front wall.