Source Loudspeaker Technologies speakers.....any owners out there??

I have owned, for the past year, a pair of Source Loudspeaker Technologies 7411 full range towers. They are made in CT and have been in the speaker business for 30 years.They use top of the line components are very sell constructed and to my ears, sound fantastic. Their speaker line is affordable and offer real value. However as a company they have a very low profile, don't participate in shows, don't do loans to reviewers, don't advertise and have a website right out of the 90's. I happened on my pair here on the GON. The previous owner, who was retired from the high end audio business, convinced me that these were awesome speakers so I bought them unheard. He was absolutely right. They almost never come on the used market for sale, which says to me that their owners love them and won't sell.

Anyways my question is are there any other Source Speakers owners out there? Any observations, comments on quality, appreciations of this little known but terrific speaker brand.

Showing 1 response by srobens

I purchased directly from John about 10 years ago for my home theater.  I have a set of 2268 Towers up front, CC-3 WC Center, RC-4's in the back and a 12" down firing sub all driven by a Marantz SR7011. I have a few friends that are audiophiles one in particular has a complete Definitive Tech setup with a Krell power amp.  He was blown away that I could spend a fraction of the price and have such an excellent sounding system.  His may be louder because of the sheer horsepower of the Krell but the Def Techs are definitely not crisper or clearer.  I remember the day I hooked them up and called him to come over.  He went home and cranked hi system just to make sure it was louder!  LOL