Source Components, Genuinely Need Your Assistance


I currently own an excellent system that replays the source material incredibly faithful to the original recording. The system is exactly what I originally set out to accomplish.

Like many others, I set out to assemble a system that was supremely neutral and would replay the original recording truthfully.

My music collection is primarily R&B, Motown, Soul and Funk. Most of which was poorly recorded using standard/lower quality mediums & new music which was created primarily with the use of Digital Synthesizers. When listening to these recordings, voices and instruments do not sound 100% authentic. Its approximately 85% "real". Thing is I know its not going to get there simply because its not on the recording.

I know this because when I listen to any "audiophile" grade recordings, regardless of genre, my system sounds perfect. Simply perfect. I am completely satisfied.

I realize now, based on the types of music I listen to, I should have never ventured into this hobby as the recordings I listen to just can't do a high fidelity system much justice.

Now its simply too late, I am heavily invested and I want to enjoy my stereo with "non-audiophile approved" music.


I am looking for a new source component, DAC or CD Player that will "color" the sound to my tastes.

The midband must not overly emphasize vocals, but rather highlight them. Vocals should be completely organic, authentic, natural, realistic, believable, thick and enveloping. Budget $8000USD

So far I have found these favorable reviews:

Ancient Audio Lektor Prime
E.A.R. Yoshino Acute mk3
E.A.R. Yoshino DAC 192
E.A.R. Yoshino DAC4 (release coming soon?)
Vincent Audio CD-S8
Yamamoto YDA-01B

I'm looking for some assistance, preferably from members who have actually heard the components they are recommending or suggesting.

Once I have a solid list I will seek out the dealers and listen first hand, hopefully get some in home trials.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best regards,

I wanted to thank everyone for their responses.

I recently got my system, and its not quite broken in fully yet. I am discovering that it is actually changing in a positive direction the last couple nights. Especially when the tubes reach the two hour mark. Its getting very close to magic.

I think I jumped the gun here when I posted this, I should have waited a little longer.

If I don't get the presentation I'm looking for after more "burn-in" I may consider auditioning some other gear but I don't think it will be the source. I've tried a number of source components over the years. In my experience when comparing "top level" source components the differences are minor, slightly different presentations and levels of resolution. Changing the source is not going to get me the results I'm after as many stated above. You have helped reaffirm me of my original findings.

I think I will audition some different speakers as many suggested. I agree, I think the transducers will make the biggest audible difference. Thinking about going to some local shops to try out some different speakers, very interested in the Harbeth M30.1s and SHL5's.

Thanks again for everyone's input. This thread can be closed.

I completely agree with you. My dislike is more of a distaste for the way the mastering engineers have finalized their recordings for mass appeal. On properly mic'd and engineered "audiophile" approved recordings everything sounds incredible.

I am very happy with my system, hopefully it continues to evolve to my tastes with use. "Burn-in" is real. Some components really need a good 500-750hrs before any critical listening takes place as I am finding out first hand.

I've always been curious about these DSP Room Analyzers/Room Mode correctors but I'm such a purist that I never wanted to alter the original signal. Now I just don't care anymore. If I don't get the signature I'm after I will definitely consider it. Can't hurt to try.

Hi Shawn,
That's really good the direction your sound is taking, patience Is a virtue. Depending on one's system, any component can be the weak link and a change there can be dramatic. Not knowing your system, advice and recommendations are speculative. Since you listed DACs I went in that direction.
Best of Luck,
"I've tried a number of source components over the years. In my experience when comparing "top level" source components the differences are minor, slightly different presentations and levels of resolution."

Well, you just selected the wrong source components IMO. This is a lot like buying 10 different phono cartridges and then concluding that all phone cartridges are essentially the same.

The other thing that can mask the benefits of a really good source is an active preamp. All but the most expensive active preamps will cause so much compression, distortion and noise that the source benefits are drowned-out. A good replacement is a transformer-based passive linestage.

If you want to hear just how good the average CD transport can sound, just add a Synchro-Mesh. Its money-back guarantee (less shipping) makes this low-risk, less than $50. If it works for you, the benefits are great.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio